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Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Torstai, 31.10.2013 15:56
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
First I want to represent myself. I'm a member of Russian historical reenactment society and historical medieval battles association. Our club is major in Russia and has detachments in all major cities in Russia and a detachment in Nurnberg, Germany. We train to fight using plastic and steel weapon. Participate in Larping events, and more often is steel-fighting events. Members of our club form a large part of Team Russia in The Battle of Nations, winning it year after year.

Since steel-fighting is gaining more and more polularity worldwide, our club (Saint-PEtersburg detachment) is planning to start a North-Western League in medieval pro-combats (the discipline where two fighters fight several rounds using any accepted weapons and martial skills, like throws, kicks, etc.).
Nowadays there are pro-fighters all arond the world, and there are people who haven't got experience in that. So we decided to create an "entry level" league for those who wants to try what medieval pro-combat is, and for those who wants to gain experience and get access to high pro-fighting level.

Our initial plan is to popularize the activity both in the North-Western part of Russia and in Northern European countries (more is better))))
So we would gladly invite all willing fighters to participate in our qualification event, that will be held in the beginning of January'2014, and will be held 4 times in year 2014 after that.

But before inviting, we are willing to come to Helsinki, introduce ourselves personaly, make an open training, check the condition of fighters and equipment used in Finland (We don't know much about that). In order to do that we want to arrange

The programm is
- Introduction. We tell about ourselves and organisations from Russia, that arrange buhurt events, pro-fighting events and boffering events.
- Open training. We train in a normal way as we do it in our club, then we provide some protective and fighting equipment and fight according to official rules, and training rules.
- Presentation. of equipment that is used in our trainings and events. Of course we won't just show, we will use it in our open training.
- Finalizing. Friendly interaction, future plans etc.

Our plan is to visit Helsinki in the end of November- beginning of December, so please inform if someone is interested.

If there will be people who want more cooperation, we may come on monthly bases for training, and invite people to Saint-Petersburg too. Just as we do with our German colleagues

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Torstai, 31.10.2013 16:38
Kirjoittaja Zaibe
This seems like great and safe way to start practicing steel-fighting and also get to know like-minded people from other countries. Count me in!

Hopefully someone from Helsinki(Rämä?Sparta?Anyone?) volunteers to help you organise the training day. I'll definetly try to participate if it happens. In anycase I'm planning on organizing a trip to your first league-event in january in Saint-Peterburg and I'm hoping that many finnish fighters from different groups will join me. My plan is to get know the people and see the fighting. And maybe participate if it's possible. The trip shouldn't be too expensive given that Saint-Petersburg is practically right next door.

Ja vielä vähän suomeksi. Tapasin tämän herran Ropeconissa kun he pitivät Battle of Nationsin promo-kojua ja näyttivät sitä metalliaseilla taistelua porukalle. Mua ainakin kiinnostaa kovasti sellanenkin mättäminen ja nyt ois tosi hyvä mahdollisuus lähtee kahtomaan mitä se meininki oikeasti on ja tutustumaan samalla tuohon porukkaan. Meinaan järkätä matkan tuonne Pietariin sillon tammikuussa kahtomaan tota hommaa ja toivottavasti osallistumaankin. Alustavia puheita on ollut, että yöpyminen onnistuisi noiden kavereiden kerholla ja muutenkin ovat kovin valmiita auttelemaan kaiken kanssa, joten matkan hinnan ei pitäisi päätä huimata.

Ottakaa kaikki kiinnostuneet meikäläiseen yhteyksiä joko täällä tai facebookissa niin kerään kiinnostuneet yhteen ja aletaan suunnittelemaan porukassa reissua.

-Juri Lönn-

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Torstai, 31.10.2013 16:46
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
Zaibe kirjoitti: The trip shouldn't be too expensive given that Saint-Petersburg is practically right next door.
We may provide place to stay overnight at our club. Not the most comfortable place, but still there are living quarters, kitchen, and all else you need ))))

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Perjantai, 01.11.2013 02:31
Kirjoittaja Misumasu
Count me in.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Perjantai, 01.11.2013 04:35
Kirjoittaja Foe
Very interested!

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Perjantai, 01.11.2013 09:20
Kirjoittaja C22
This blacksmith approves and will participate if possible! What a chance to test my plate armour for full contact sports for real men!

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Perjantai, 01.11.2013 10:12
Kirjoittaja Susikukko

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Maanantai, 04.11.2013 21:00
Kirjoittaja Pahistonttu
I will do my best to participate

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Maanantai, 04.11.2013 23:59
Kirjoittaja Mahti
I'll participate too if the dates will suit me.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 10:10
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
Some more information and questions.
1) We plan to come to Helsinki jn 23-24 of November. So the best date is 23 of November (Saturday) so that we can make a training, presentation, and go to hang out and discuss further cooperation afterwards)))) The date may be moved,if the majority of interested people will ask for that but we want to present ourselves and check out interested group in Finland, since we plan lots of event starting in January 2014, and December is a Christmas month, so everybody is busy at what you call "pikkujoulu" and preparing for Christmas.

2) The main issue is a place to hold a training. The best thing is to get some place like a sport hall at school (I mean the size) or what we call in Russia "house of youth"- which means a place for all sort of activities. I think you have something like that in Finland. In Russia we get the places from local government, or provided by some clubs. I don't know how it works in Helsinki, if some club has their training area and can provide it, or someone can provide hints about where we could rent a place. I have some thoughts, but I think there are people who know better where to look for.

3) Probably we should create a pre-registration, so that we can plan the area and exact timing, based on how much people are willing to come. To do so, we must make sure that participants of interested groups will see the message. If someone can help in such publicity, that would be appreciated.

4)The approximate timing is:
12.00- unpacking equipment, preparing.
13.00-13.30- Brief introduction
13.30-14.00- warming up
14.00-14.30 inspection of armor brought by participants.
14.30-15.00- basic techniques, HMBA rules, etc.
14-30-16-00 fighting using boffers (HMBIA rules (HMBIA= Historical Medieval Battles International Association) and fighting in armor (using training weapons) HMBA rules. (this section vastly depends on the amount of participants)
Extra- if we get enough armored participants we'll be able to make 3x3 or even 5x5 fights
Extra- finalizing warm-up, jogging, stretching etc.

5) There will be 4 of our club present at the event. The head of Saint-Petersburg detachment, participant of Battle of Nations team Russia (once), boffering trainer (we have totally different rules, which you could partly see at RoPeCon, since we use boffering purely as a training for steel-fighting), one swordsman from our club, triple participant of Battle of Nations team Russia, and me, as an international coordinator.
We will provide
- boffers, boffered shields, boffering helmets and other boffering equipment (such as knee and elbow protection etc.)
- training clubs and heavy fiber swords (that we use instead of steel weapons in our trainings) They are as heavy hitting as steel, just even more blunt.
- Several suits of armor, which are basicly our suits, but we will provide lacking parts or entire suits for those interested.

What you'll need
- IF you have real armor and you want to participate in buhurt-fighting- bring it in. If you lack some parts- use plastic protection. Be sure to protect shins, knees elbows, and shoulders. Did I mention head? That's important too.
- if you use medieval-style armor, make sure you have a quilted coat and leg protection to wear under it.
- make sure that straps and laces work properly
- take duct tape with you. That will help in case some strap or laces tears away.
- USE MOUTHGUARD. no matter if you are boffering or fighting buhurt.
- Try helmets with masks. Protect your face. If you use open helmets- use gorgets.
- If you want to fight with boffers bring- mouthguard, mma-style gloves or any similar (not heavy boxing gloves, since they won't allow you to hold boffer properly). Bring soft shin guards, martial arts knees and elbows, since you can use them in boffering too.
- I don't know the proper name in english, but bring the groin guard.

Now, it is up to you, but I think we should start a preliminary registration, where people also say what they want to attend HMBIA armored fighting or HMBIA rules boffering
And remember- this won't be a competiton, that will be an introduction)))))
The goal is to get to know each other and show "how it works", as well as try it together
The ultimate goal is to create team Finland for Battle of Nations. The realistic task is to train a group for 5x5 and for individual disciplines.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 13:53
Kirjoittaja N.Hirvelä
I would like to come, but 23 of November is Finnish championship in SCA Heavy Combat Fighting (Same sport where most of USA BotN-team members came from). So I think there would not be much SCA-fighters coming. But if you will do that in any other day I will come and also try to get some SCA guys with me.

EDIT: I would want to attend to HMBIA armored fighting, I have almost full armor ready.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 14:21
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
N.Hirvelä kirjoitti:I would like to come, but 23 of November is Finnish championship in SCA Heavy Combat Fighting
That is important note, that surely can make us reconsider the date. Where is the championship taking place?

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 14:46
Kirjoittaja N.Hirvelä
ganzknapp kirjoitti:
N.Hirvelä kirjoitti:I would like to come, but 23 of November is Finnish championship in SCA Heavy Combat Fighting
That is important note, that surely can make us reconsider the date. Where is the championship taking place?
It's in Koria (near Kouvola city) 128km from Helsinki.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 17:29
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
So lets try to clarify, is it better to do on weekend
7-8/12/2013, which is a "long" weekend I guess

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 17:40
Kirjoittaja Falcata
6.-8.12. is when the largest in-door boffer fighting event is held at Orivesi (central Finland). Most of the active boffer fighters will be there.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 17:49
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
Will it make sense in uniting such an events?

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 18:07
Kirjoittaja DiabolusIgnis
I'm quite sure you will be welcomed to hold a quick introduction to yourselves. I'm equally sure that many bofferers do not read the international part of this forum, or do not care to what is written until it slaps them in the face. Here's a chance for you to slap us in the face a bit.

But there's hardly any room to hold two events at once in the salle, I'm afraid. I'm not in any official position in this matter, but I'm expecting around 60 bofferers who expect boffering for the days, not HEMA or the likes. And of those, I can hardly imagine 20 being interested enough to abandon their plans for this. But do come and introduce yourselves, if at all possible.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 18:14
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
What is the form of that boffering event? Is it a huge open training? If it is so, we'll gladly participate, and just add the part of armored fight for all willing.

After all boffering (well, different boffering, but still) is a large part of our practice.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 05.11.2013 19:33
Kirjoittaja DiabolusIgnis
It's a boot camp that consist mainly of team A vs. team B practice, where everyone participates. We also have a few of the best Finnish bofferers as teachers during short (30, 60 min?) segments where they teach others.

You're free to participate. The cost is 10€ up front by bank transfer, or 12€ at the door. It's held in Orivesi, which is near Jyväskylä. The cost pays for training only, but it's free to stay overnight at Orivesi's congregation house. The training salle has a microwave you can use, and they have first-aid available.

More info (Finnish) here I can translate this if you wish, and PM it to you.

You need to familiarize yourselves with Finnish boffering rules first. I'm not sure whether or not they are translated right now or not, but here they are in short:

- Only hits from the "edge" of your boffer is counted.
- Every hit counts, except for hits sliding across the floor. No need to strike hard, especially from behind or to the head. It's a gentleman's sport, so to say. (It's still suggested to use a helmet.)
- Hits to the head & torso kill.
- Hits to the limb disable the limb in question. (For legs, you're not allowed to put weight on it, but are allowed to get on both knees.)
- A second hit to a "dead" limb, or the other limb (hand and hand or leg and leg) kill. One hand and leg can be lost without being out of the game.
- When you're dead, immediately move away from the area. You can also state out loud that you're dead, if you think the other person didn't notice this. If you're in a tight spot, protect your head & neck, and move away when it's safe. Try to look as dead as possible, turn your sword around for example.
- Armor protects for one hit per hit area. So, if you have several pieces of armor on your arm, only one hit is protected, even though it hits in different pieces. In the same way, a hauberk protects your torso and arms separately. (Back and front torso are the same, though.)
- Armor must be authentic to protect you. I don't think you'll have any problems with this, if you have armor fit for BotN. This can be checked on-site. (You are free to use any piece of protective equipment, of course, but they won't give you an "extra hit".)
- No dangerous/uncontrolled body contact allowed. No punches, kicks, locks etc. No tackles, either. This also applies to shields.
- You are, however, allowed to push with a shield, if it's controlled.
- You are allowed to grab a weapon from a non-damaging location. (I'm not sure about the specifics of this rule, someone else please elaborate.)
- If you hear the command "Hold!", you must immediately repeat it and stop fighting. This command means that there's a dangerous situation somewhere, and they need to get away. (Someone might have fallen and are under the severe risk of getting trampled, for example.) Under the "Hold" you're not allowed to move, except if it's needed for the safety of others. (Taking the injured one away, for example.) Fighting continues when the organizers give the call.

Generally, be considerate of others. Everyone should be having fun.

I don't know the rules for equipment by heart, and I'm under the impression that they're being/have been translated. I couldn't find them, however. If someone else knows more about these, please throw them here. :) (Also applies for anything I might have missed, etc.)

Also, if you need any help during the boot camp, I'm willing to help.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Keskiviikko, 06.11.2013 21:51
Kirjoittaja Susikukko
I think it would be the 23.11.2013 because other weekends are band for boffer people or Ryhmä Rämä.

We can arrange good salle / school gym hall from Helsinki in 23.11.2013 from 15:00 to 21:00.

Shall we say sorry for SCA-men and lock the 23 of november? Maybe we can arrange a some other day before or after January session?

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Keskiviikko, 06.11.2013 23:13
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
Things are getting clearer, so i guess we'll stick for 23.11 in Helsinki area, and make an open training. Then we'll attend boffering and sca events to meet those who are interested

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Perjantai, 08.11.2013 23:31
Kirjoittaja Susikukko
The organizing party would like to know some information about the participants, in order to know how to design the program as well as possible, and to bring a suitable amount of equipment. If and when you are coming, put your data in the link (google drive)). You may also put a nick if you do not want to put your own name. Preferably in English, but if not then also in Finnish. Or if google drive does not work for you, then directly to this topic. ... sp=sharing

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 12.11.2013 18:46
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
I think I should also mention (since I heard it on today's meeting at our club), that starting at year 2014 Battle of Nations is likely to have a new nomination- women tournament (single discipline tournament rules). So consider it/ It is a new discipline for all countries, so no such serios competition. I've seen female fighters at your boffering events, so probably they'll be interested.

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Perjantai, 15.11.2013 13:17
Kirjoittaja Susikukko

Buhurt / Battle of the Nation promo approaches! If you wanted to test with harder weaponry then see today that your set is in order go? I press myself today down in the basement to pack and set, or to determine repair needs.

Google list only has the 4 participants + the Hosts, so more names to the list even if the you would only take a look. Also it would be nice if someone would take pictures or video? If the google drive does not work for you just holler YEI! in this chain or sen mail to joni.north @

Address: Runonlaulajantie 40, Helsinki google map
For more information: Joni North 0400 769916 and backup Pekka Väisänen 044560223

Re: Medieval fighting events

Lähetetty: Lauantai, 16.11.2013 12:32
Kirjoittaja ganzknapp
Battle of Nations 2014
Trogir, Croatia