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Kassinurme - how was it ?

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 24.04.2007 11:28
Kirjoittaja Dan
So, to ask it shortly: what was the impression of those, who came to Kassinurme ?

We want feedback too :)


Lähetetty: Tiistai, 24.04.2007 14:46
Kirjoittaja Keisari_P
It was great experience!

I'm sure this was not our last visit to Kassinurme. Estonians and Russians were great people. Expecially we were impressed about your castle and the people building it. Your shields were also good looking. Your weapons seemed safe.

Darkness made the invading of the castle a bit difficuld, but memorable.

Special thanks to Allan for all his hard work and for inviting us.
Thanks to Oidin, the master of Walhalla for his gift (boar leg).
Thanks to sentinus, the drunken healer :) for his company.

Here are the pictures I took at the journey:

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 24.04.2007 15:20
Kirjoittaja saloneju

Thanks for asking, I was about to write something here in the english forums anyway. First of all thanks to organizers and co-patricipant from giving this opportunity. Special thanks to Bernard, who mostly guided us there, and to Sentius for some nice chatting in the late hours :wink:

As for me, overall impression from the trip was very good! Now I'm trying to gather the mayor feelings from visiting there. Though as well as many enjoyable things, there were also something that I really would have done diffrently, don't get me wrong - I'm just trying to list the pluses and minuses from the event, and also because the feedback is asked :wink:

The bad weather made me thinking why this kind of event was organized this time a year, but if I understood correctly, it was put on spring because you got more and bigger sponsors (compared to if it would have been for example in summer where the weather would have been greatly better) because the annual day (?) of the uprising was historically this time a year. But the weather-thing is a point beyond organizers reach, but just to mention it.

About the "joint larp and boffer event", as we finlanders see it. In my point of view that didn't work very well. Just to sit and wait for hours and hours in the rain for the battles was something I didn't get very much kicks. As mainly as a larper I'd still say that if I want to feel great and deep emotions, I really go to a larp with a little or no fighting at all. Most people didn't play any role anyway in the game spoke mainly off-game things, so I felt that the mixture of larping and bofferfighting was slightly awkward.I thought that demanded too many compromises to be made.

But don't get me wrong. There were also really(!) good and moody elements, which made the atmosphere - as long the uprising had began - really good at some points. Like marching from the village to the fort with torches, night-time, the fort(!), the hectic sieging... I'd only have cut the 4-5 hours from the beginning of the game all away, with only a pretty short, like an hour-lasting, phase to get things moody and going before sieging would have began. Therefore people would have had more energy for sieging all the night. At least whe finnish people - who aren't really very used to this kind of concept - went sleeping rather early because of the long-lasting downtime before the battles. In Sotahuuto's concepts, there has been talk about bringing more atmospheric elements to it, and I agree with it even more after being to Kassinurme.

Safety of your weapons. I think all the five of us were actually pretty surprised about how safe your weapons really felt. I agree with Sentius saying that they really hurt drastically less than the 1genboffers, as you call them. Weight-limits seems to work, when the realisticy of the fighting isn't valued too much. Though, personally I'd still prefer 1gen for the much realistic feeling and historically more accurate tehcnique, but I think for example Keisari_P and Juhana were quite satisfied with your weapons. Or did I get you wrong? :wink: Though I think the weapons broke rather easily, or was is just from the hard use and conditions? :) To say on overall, the weapons-consepts were really a nice surprise to me, but I think the heads of the pipes of the weapons (hey I really couldn't recall the right word for the thing, but I meant the bamboostics, etc.) weren't covered well enough. For example, during the siege the spear we used was broken, and from there peeped totally uncovered head of a bamboo stick. Because of the dark it wasn't noticed really early enough, and would have caused some really ugly result if it would have stuck to someones eye.

One thing I noticed was the diffence between our countries: the amount of hierarchy. It seemed like that, at least amongs the Black Hundred, there are kind of strict hierarchy and the chain of command. Yep, that's the way it works. But I think here in Finland people feel that more anarchistic kind of line for the chain of command is just more fun, and don't bother too much training strict formations etc. So I got the impression that at least there in Tallinn, training is more "professional"/purposeful/goal-oriented compared to our scene.


So on overall the fighting was very enjoyable as long as it lasted and the people were really nice. For example, many (like mr. Odin) tried to speak to us even when they didn't understand finnish/english at all - they just spoke estonian and we answered in finnish. Works quite well actually, after all the languages are quite similar, even with all the diffrences. And too bad that I never got it to Valhalla, when looking Pekka's picture from where he is drinking some very good mead (or whatever it was :wink: ) and eating a whole leg of a wild-boar Odin gave us, I felt kind of jealous. :D Darn.

I felt that finnish and estonian boffer-culture (pardon me using the term) have much to give each other. Btw. how you Estonians feel about the things I mentioned?

And the last (but not really the least, as the saying goes!) of all, I'd like to apologize all the patricipants who were really nice and patient during the night about me giving tens and tens of headshots. Old habits die hard :wink:

Thanks again for the nice experience, and my sincerely welcome-wishes to Sotahuuto in the forthcoming Summer!


Lähetetty: Tiistai, 24.04.2007 16:10
Kirjoittaja Bernard
Thank you for your replies and we hope to hear some words from everyone of you.

All your comments are well noted and hit very near to mark as far as our own discussions go. Therefore there is no point in arguing - there are flaws in many things we do and we realize that this is only one way to do them, not THE way. We are constantly trying to improve and I am sure "Jüriöö 2008" will be again a bit different (hopefully better), as Jüriöö2006 was different than this years event.

The only thing that won't change is the date. Yes we know the weather can be tricky at this time of the year. But to move the event would lose the whole concept of Jüriöö - it's an event to commemorate the ancient valiant yet futile uprising which resulted in the total defeat of the Estonians but none of the less, will always be remembered.

If we speak in more abstract terms - our mission is to ensure that our youth doesn't forget our national heritage and the valor of their forefathers against overwhelming odds.


For my part.

My deepest thank-you to the five brave pioneers for tackling our battle scene and bridging the gap between our fighting cultures.

I (and any who will join me) WILL return the courtesy.

We were extremely glad to have and host you and You'll have our most warm welcomes and invitations for future events.

I am sorry if I thrust you in the middle of one of the most trained and organized fighting units - maybe you could have had more fun otherwise (and then again maybe not). Also I am sorry that for in-game reasons this unit did not execute a full attack on the castle - still I was glad to see you amidst the help they sent to the besiegers and that you had a part in the action.

Your push together with the "white wolves" over the barricades on the left flank was truly something to marvel at. A two meter wall, with outwards facing logs, swarming with defenders - yet you managed to climb it with "teeth and nails", establish a foothold inside it and hold it for 20 minutes - all of this, under heavy melee.

I don't know if you already know but your attack was made to pull enemy reinforcements away from the main battlement, thus leaving it open to a frontal assault.

This frontal assault was started the moment you rushed in, and resulted in the main barricades being pushed back 1 meter and the head of the "White Wolves" crushing into the heart of the castle and going one-on-one with their leader.

At the same time the main walls where climbed with (and without) ladders and taken (there where only a few defenders there, because of the multiple attack angles) - all seemed lost for the defenders. Yet unfortunately for you and luckily for them, your reinforcements could not reach the castle fast enough and the penetrating forces where driven back with great difficulty.

In all of those deeds, your charge over the west wall was one of the key elements.

I am not saying it to flatter you - this is the truth - you managed to hold your posture against one of the most fierce fighting forces of Estonia. The fact that the castle was not taken, does nothing to lessen your bravery.

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 24.04.2007 16:26
Kirjoittaja saloneju
Bernard kirjoitti:The only thing that won't change is the date. Yes we know the weather can be tricky at this time of the year. But to move the event would lose the whole concept of Jüriöö--

If we speak in more abstract terms - our mission is to ensure that our youth doesn't forget our national heritage and the valor of their forefathers against overwhelming odds.
Yep, I totally agree. You are doing some valuable work there!

Thanks for the description for how the siege went after we had gone sleeping. No one actually explained it before this, it was nice to hear. :wink:

Lähetetty: Tiistai, 24.04.2007 22:29
Kirjoittaja Nopsku
I enjoyed aswell the fight in Kassinurme. The biggest positive thing was the helpful and friendly folk in the happening. It was easy to talk to many people and they also came to talk to us without hesitation. Before the event and during it, I talked with really nice and easy- going people, both warriors and villagers.

The area was amazing with different kind of landscape, people had really nice costumes and castlefront bonfire area was convenient. I liked the castle alot, I just hope I had one aswell! ^_^ Altho I did not get to taste the mead in the evening, I tasted it the next morning and it was really good. Oh, and the food was really good. Loved the boar meat and the soup .

Now, I want to tell a few words about overall feelings and happenings. I have to remind tho that I had a great fun most of the time and the overall feeling was left very positive.

I started getting anxious in some point after the larp had started. I had planned my clothing a bit badly (I was taking off and putting on my cloak all the time as one moment it seemed like raining and other as clear) so I was freezing and I wanted nothing more than to get some sparring and running around. I kind of hoped all the time that even one enemy would be seen near the camp. Ofcourse when we finally did assault the walls the weight of the chain and plate was gone with the cold and replaced with warm feeling of adrenaline.

As a shorter warrior than average, I had a lot trouble reaching over the walls to actually hit anyone or anyone to reach me, I decided just to hold my shield up to cover myself and protect our spears. It did work for both my arm muscles and protection as in the end I left the battle with all my armour and hitpoints left.

It was a good warm up, but the reason I finally decided to leave the battle at about 1:30 am, was that I had tripped in the dark because of logs laying near the wall and slippery ground, I fell down hitting my head on the sledge/ladder and was just a bit dazed to be unable to stand up (Azor pulled me up quite quickly, although the crowd was pushing forward on the slide) I was not hurt in my head because of my helmet, but I bruised my knee to look quite unenchanting and it started aching after we took a break from the battle for a moment. I definately think the logs were dangerous on the ground, as at least I could not see them at all with the enemy torches blinding effect when eyes were set to the darkness. The feelings was indeed realistic, but also, it was very risky. The torches made the night really lively. The army maching with fires above their heads was amazing.

When I went to sleep I was happy I actually was tired of the fight, so it was a good one. :)

I look forward seeing you guys next summer in Finland, it was wonderful to meet you all

Lähetetty: Keskiviikko, 25.04.2007 13:51
Kirjoittaja Bernard

Lähetetty: Torstai, 26.04.2007 02:00
Kirjoittaja Azor
Thanks for having us. Travel broadens the mind: it was interesting to witness your boffer/larp-culture and compare it with ours. It's more than likely you'll see us again in future Estonian events.

Lähetetty: Lauantai, 28.04.2007 01:26
Kirjoittaja sentius
I did not participate directly in the fighting, but one drunken healer is worth a lot. Anyway, thanks for enduring me, I usually become quite...energetic when having a drink a or seven for Odin (told him so personally, also). The siege was quite interesting, I was near the action for quite a while, helping where i could. Anyway, i look forward to Sotahuuto, by then i will have dusted off my shield and crafted a New and Improved Spiked Club, feel free to target me in the field. If you're suicidal, that is.

For me this event was purely a roleplay one, well, staying alive near the battlefront and being part of it, it was a lot of fun. Setting the scenario aside, mainly beacause we laid the foundation for the Forge for Mütofest 2007, as an architect, the building was very exciting. Jüriöö has always been a building/fighting/roleplaying joint event. Jüriöö changes during the years, this years' one was perhaps not the best overall, but next year everyone will work to make it better still. It's a lottery, basically. (grandfather thunder nods)

Lähetetty: Lauantai, 28.04.2007 12:41
Kirjoittaja saloneju
sentius kirjoitti:Anyway, i look forward to Sotahuuto, by then i will have dusted off my shield and crafted a New and Improved Spiked Club, feel free to target me in the field. If you're suicidal, that is.
Okay Sen, this will be taken as a challenge 8)

Lähetetty: Lauantai, 28.04.2007 13:06
Kirjoittaja sentius
That's exactly how it should be taken. What fun is a fight without exaggerated boasting? :twisted:

Modest people gain no glory, take medieval knights as an example. :wink:
(and glory is usually awarded posthumously...)